Choose the right answer

  • have a rest
  • send a text message
  • take part in a competition
  • have a rest
  • email someone
  • text someone
  • take part in a competition
  • send an email
  • text someone
  • text someone
  • have a rest
  • make a mistake
  • have a rest
  • make a phone call
  • text someone
  • make a mistake
  • listen to music
  • email someone
  • take part in a competition
  • make a video call
  • listen to music
  • email someone
  • take part in a competition
  • listen to music
  • send an email
  • text someone
  • make a mistake
  • take part in a competition
  • listen to music
  • text someone
  • make a phone call
  • buy tickets for the match
  • text someone
  • email someone
  • take part in a competition
  • clean my room


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