Choose . Have got/has got Ex. 6 (?)

___ Dan got your old bag?
  • Have
  • Am
  • Has
  • Are
___ you got a white handbag?
  • Has
  • Is
  • Are
  • Have
___ Eva got a nice watch?
  • Has
  • Have
  • Is
  • Are
___ Grace and Hugo got old helmets?
  • Has
  • Are
  • Is
  • Have
___ your children got sunglasses?
  • Is
  • Have
  • Has
  • Are
___ Hugo got a big umbrella?
  • Are
  • Is
  • Has
  • Have
___ Jill got a crown?
  • Has
  • Is
  • Are
  • Have
___ you got a collection of rings?
  • Is
  • Have
  • Are
  • Has
___ Alex got a red bracelet?
  • Have
  • Am
  • Is
  • Has
___ Alice got a long necklace?
  • Are
  • Is
  • Has
  • Have
___ they got bags?
  • Have
  • Is
  • Are
  • Has
___ Ann usually got a heavy handbag?
  • Have
  • Is
  • Are
  • Has
___ Ben got a broken watch?
  • Is
  • Has
  • Are
  • Have
___ these teenagers got helmets?
  • Has
  • Is
  • Have
  • Am
___ you always got sunglasses with you?
  • Have
  • Is
  • Has
  • Are
___ Bill got a beach umbrella in the garden?
  • Is
  • Has
  • Are
  • Have
___ Lucy got a big crown?
  • Have
  • Is
  • Has
  • Are
___ you got an expensive ring?
  • Has
  • Is
  • Have
  • Are
___ Kim got an old bracelet?
  • Have
  • Is
  • Are
  • Has
___ Lucy got her grandmother's necklace?
  • Is
  • Has
  • Are
  • Have


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