Choose . Present Simple. Ex. 2-

1. Jane ___ a uniform at school every day.
  • doesn't wear
  • doesn't wears
  • don't wear
2. Vicky ___ school in springs.
  • don't start
  • doesn't start
  • doesn't starts
3. My uncle ___ ___ a break every day.
  • don't have
  • doesn't has
  • doesn't have
4. Jack ___ a meeting with his friends at the weekend.
  • don't have
  • doesn't have
  • doesn't has
5. Julia and Mary ___ inside on Friday nights.
  • don't play
  • doesn't play
  • don't plays
6. I ___ art on Tuesdays.
  • doesn't have
  • don't has
  • don't have
7. I ___ my bike .
  • don't fix
  • doesn't fix
  • don't fixes
8. Charlie and Jim ___ home together every day.
  • doesn't do
  • don't go
  • don't goes
9. I ___ a bath in the evenings.
  • don't have
  • doesn't have
  • don't has
10. My grandparents ___ in a small house near the forest.
  • doesn't live
  • don't lives
  • don't live
11. My cousin ___ his mom to wash the dishes.
  • don't help
  • doesn't help
  • doesn't helps
12. I ___ my cat every week.
  • don't wash
  • doesn't wash
  • don't washes
13. My friends and I ___ outside on Mondays.
  • don't goes
  • doesn't go
  • don't go
14. Sally ___ about news.
  • doesn't talk
  • don't talk
  • doesn't talks
15. My dad ___ my bike every month.
  • don't fix
  • doesn't fixes
  • doesn't fix
16. My mom ___ dinner for us on Fridays.
  • doesn't cooks
  • doesn't cook
  • don't cook
17. Jim ___ a bath every day.
  • doesn't have
  • don't have
  • doesn't has
18. My classmates ___ home at 7 o'clock.
  • don't go
  • doesn't go
  • don't goes
19. Clare ___ to bed at 10 p. m.
  • don't go
  • doesn't go
  • doesn't does
20. We ___ a uniform at school every day.
  • doesn't wear
  • don't wears
  • don't wear


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