Choose the correct answer. Past Simple. Ex. 2+

Little sheep Mary ___ in London last year.
  • live
  • lived
  • did live
  • lives
These sheep ___ cherry cake for me yesterday.
  • bake
  • baked
  • did bake
  • bakes
We ___ TV in the living room last weekend.
  • watch
  • watched
  • did watch
  • watches
They ___ a lot yesterday.
  • laugh
  • did laugh
  • laughed
  • laughs
The sheep Ben ___ football all day last Monday.
  • play
  • played
  • did play
  • plays
These sheep Tom and Sam ___ a computer last evening.
  • use
  • used
  • uses
  • did use
I ___ to eat lunch two days ago.
  • like
  • liked
  • did like
  • likes
The sheep ___ dinner for us yesterday.
  • cook
  • cooked
  • did cook
  • cooks
I ___ to music last week.
  • listen
  • listened
  • did listen
  • listens
These sheep ___ to drink tea at Ben's house last Wednesday.
  • want
  • wanted
  • wants
  • did want
The sheep Michael ___ his house yesterday.
  • clean
  • cleaned
  • did clean
  • cleans
This sheep Lucy ___ the gallery yesterday.
  • visited
  • did visit
  • visit
  • visits
Our sheep friends ___ in London six years ago.
  • did live
  • lives
  • live
  • lived
He ___ ugly cake for him yesterday.
  • did bake
  • baked
  • bakes
  • bake
This sheep family ___ TV at the airport last summer.
  • watched
  • did watch
  • watches
  • watch
We ___ a lot in the park last weekend.
  • did laugh
  • laughs
  • laughed
  • laugh
These sheep Nick and Sam ___ football last winter.
  • played
  • did play
  • plays
  • play
The sheep Eva ___ a computer last week.
  • use
  • used
  • did use
  • uses
These sheep ___ to eat lunch yesterday.
  • like
  • did like
  • likes
  • liked
These sheep Grace and Alice ___ dinner for me yesterday.
  • cook
  • did cook
  • cooked
  • cooks


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