Choose the correct answer. Past Simple. Ex. 1-

I ___ in London last autumn.
  • didn't live
  • don't live
  • doesn't live
This sheep ___ a cherry pie yesterday.
  • doesn't bake
  • didn't bake
  • don't bake
These sheep ___ TV in the park last week.
  • didn't watched
  • didn't watch
  • don't watch
Anna ___ a lot with her friends last weekend.
  • didn't laugh
  • don't laugh
  • doesn't laugh
He ___ football last year.
  • didn't play
  • don't play
  • didn't use
They ___ a computer yesterday.
  • didn't use
  • don't use
  • doesn't use
These sheep family ___ to eat lunch in this restaurant last Monday.
  • didn't like
  • doesn't like
  • don't like
This sheep Alice ___ dinner very fast yesterday.
  • didn't cook
  • don't cook
  • doesn't cook
Ben ___ to music at school last week.
  • didn't listen
  • don't listen
  • doesn't listen
They ___ to drink tea in the living room fourteen minutes ago.
  • didn't want
  • don't want
  • doesn't want
These sheep ___ their houses last week.
  • didn't clean
  • don't clean
  • doesn't clean
The sheep ___ this museum yesterday.
  • don't visit
  • didn't visit
  • doesn't visit
This sheep Oliver ___ in London eight years ago.
  • didn't live
  • didn't lived
  • don't live
These sheep ___ a birthday cake last Sunday.
  • doesn't bake
  • didn't bake
  • don't bake
He ___ TV yesterday.
  • didn't watch
  • didn't watched
  • don't watch
She ___ with her friends two days ago.
  • didn't laugh
  • didn't laughed
  • doesn't laugh
Our sheep friends ___ football last week.
  • didn't played
  • doesn't play
  • didn't play
This sheep Bill ___ a computer at school last Tuesday.
  • didn't use
  • didn't used
  • doesn't use
This sheep ___ to eat lunch yesterday.
  • didn't like
  • don't like
  • didn't liked
I ___ dinner in the morning yesterday.
  • didn't cook
  • didn't cooked
  • doesn't cook


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