Choose the correct answer. Present Simple or Past Simple. Ex. 2?

___ they usually ___ a banana pie?
  • Did, bake
  • Do, bake
  • Does, bake
  • Are, baking
___ you ___ in London three years ago?
  • Do, live
  • Does, live
  • Did, live
  • Are, live
___ these sheep ___ TV every day?
  • Did, watch
  • Do, watch
  • Does, watch
  • Is, watching
___ she always ___ a lot?
  • Did, laugh
  • Is, laughing
  • Does, laugh
  • Do, laugh
___ this sheep ___ football yesterday?
  • Does, play
  • Do, play
  • Did, play
  • Is, playing
___ Nick ___ a computer every day?
  • Did, use
  • Do, use
  • Does, use
  • Is, using
___ these sheep ___ to eat lunch last Sunday?
  • Does, like
  • Do, like
  • Did, like
  • Are, like
___ we often ___ dinner at night?
  • Did, cook
  • Does, cook
  • Do, cook
  • Are, cooking
___ Alice ___ to music every day?
  • Do, listen
  • Does, listen
  • Did, listen
  • Is, listening
___ you often ___ to drink tea?
  • Do, want
  • Did, want
  • Does, want
  • Are, want
___ this sheep ___ her room every morning?
  • Did, clean
  • Do, clean
  • Does, clean
  • Is, cleaning
___ we ___ our grandparents three weeks ago?
  • Did, visit
  • Do, visit
  • Does, visit
  • Are, visiting
___ Lucy ___ a cake last month?
  • Do, bake
  • Does, bake
  • Did, bake
  • Is, baking
___ these sheep ___ in London every summer?
  • Did, live
  • Do, live
  • Does, live
  • Are, live
___ they ___ TV yesterday?
  • Do, watch
  • Are, watching
  • Does, watch
  • Did, watch
___ this sheep ___ with her friends last Sunday?
  • Does, laugh
  • Do, laugh
  • Did, laugh
  • Is, laughing
___ these sheep usually ___ football at night?
  • Did, play
  • Do, play
  • Does, play
  • Are, playing
___ this sheep Ben ___ a computer last weekend?
  • Did, use
  • Do, use
  • Does, use
  • Is, using
___ you ___ to eat lunch yesterday?
  • Do, like
  • Does, like
  • Did, like
  • Are, like
___ they ___ dinner last night?
  • Did, cook
  • Do, cook
  • Does, cook
  • Are, cook


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