Choose the correct answer. Each, every, both. Exercise 1

___ pharmacy is expensive in this city.
  • Every
  • Both
___ toy shops are far away.
  • Every
  • Both
___ fire station has got a lot of workers.
  • Each
  • Both
___ square in our town is beautiful.
  • Every
  • Both
___ the bakery and the newsagent's are near my house.
  • Each
  • Both
___ factories are big.
  • Both
  • Each
He lives in this hotel ___ year.
  • every
  • both
___ museum in this town is old.
  • Both
  • Every
They go to the church ___ Sunday.
  • both
  • every
___ clothes shops have got the nice clothes.
  • Both
  • Each
___ art gallery has got beautiful pictures.
  • Both
  • Each
___ stadium in our neighborhood is new.
  • Every
  • Both
He buys the flowers in the florist's ___ week.
  • every
  • both
___ the newsagent's and the cafe are next to the bank.
  • Each
  • Both
___ pet shops have got some cats and dogs.
  • Both
  • Every
My grandmother goes to the pharmacy ___ week.
  • both
  • every
___ toy shops are new.
  • Both
  • Each
___ fire stations are far from the city centre.
  • Each
  • Both
___ square in my city is clean.
  • Each
  • Both
___ bakeries have got nice cakes.
  • Every
  • Both


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