Choose the correct answer. Each, every, both. Exercise 2

___ pharmacy in our town is far away.
  • Every
  • Both
___ toy shops have got a lot of toy cars and dolls.
  • Each
  • Both
___ fire stations are opened now.
  • Both
  • Every
They visit this square ___ day.
  • both
  • every
Ann buys coffee in the bakery ___ morning.
  • every
  • both
___ factories are new in this city.
  • Both
  • Every
___ hotels have got a lot of modern rooms.
  • Each
  • Both
___ museum is very expensive in our city.
  • Each
  • Both
___ church is beautiful in Russia.
  • Every
  • Both
___ clothes shops have got a lot of trendy dresses.
  • Every
  • Both
We go to the art gallery ___ spring.
  • every
  • both
___ stadium is small in this village.
  • Both
  • Every
___ florist's has got the nice flowers.
  • Each
  • Both
He buys the magazines in the newsagent's ___ week.
  • both
  • every
They go to the pet shop ___ month.
  • every
  • both
___ pharmacies near my house are cheap.
  • Both
  • Every
___ the toy shop and the museum are near to the bus stop.
  • Each
  • Both
___ fire station in our city is modern.
  • Each
  • Both
___ squares aren't beautiful for the tourists.
  • Both
  • Every
___ bakery is new in this area.
  • Both
  • Each


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