Choose the correct answer. Too/enough Exercise 2

This pharmacy isn't clean ___.
  • too
  • enough
Our toy shop is ___ loud.
  • enough
  • too
This fire station isn't good ___.
  • too
  • enough
The town's square is ___ dirty.
  • enough
  • too
Your bakery isn't new ___.
  • too
  • enough
All these factories are ___ close to the city.
  • too
  • enough
Our hotel isn't busy ___.
  • enough
  • too
It's ___ quiet in this museum.
  • enough
  • too
This church isn't old ___.
  • too
  • enough
Her clothes shop is ___ expensive.
  • enough
  • too
This art gallery isn't famous ___.
  • too
  • enough
Our stadium is ___ busy.
  • too
  • enough
He has got a florist's. It's ___ popular.
  • enough
  • too
That newsagent's is ___ far from the bakery.
  • enough
  • too
This pet shop isn't good ___.
  • too
  • enough
There is a pharmacy next to the bank. It is ___ far from here.
  • too
  • enough
The toy shop near my house isn't clean ___.
  • enough
  • too
The fire station's siren is ___ loud.
  • enough
  • too
The central square is ___ noisy.
  • too
  • enough
This bakery isn't cozy ___.
  • enough
  • too


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