Choose. Present Simple Ex.3 ?

___ Charlie usually ___ you text messages?
  • Does___send
  • Do___send
___ you sometimes ___ him in the evening?
  • Does___text
  • Do___text
___ they always ___ the emails?
  • Do___send
  • Does___send
___ Clare often ___ you at work?
  • Does___email
  • Do___email
___ Daisy ___ phone calls every day?
  • Does___make
  • Do___make
___ you sometimes ___ a video call?
  • Does___make
  • Do___make
___ your students often ___ part in the competitions?
  • Do___take
  • Does___take
___ Fred always ___ a mistake?
  • Do___make
  • Does___make
___ you always ___ a rest at the weekends?
  • Does___have
  • Do___have
___ they usually ___ to music loudly?
  • Do___listen
  • Does___listen
___ your mother always ___ your room?
  • Does___clean
  • Do___clean
___ they usually ___ tickets for the match together?
  • Does___buy
  • Do___buy
___ Jack ___ text messages every day?
  • Does___send
  • Do___send
___ Jane often ___ the emails?
  • Do___send
  • Does___send
___ your grandparents sometimes ___ a phone call?
  • Do___make
  • Does___make
___ you always ___ part in the competitions?
  • Do___take
  • Does___take
___ Jim usually ___ mistakes in the workbook?
  • Do___make
  • Does___make
___ they sometimes ___ a rest at this hotel?
  • Does___have
  • Do___have
___ Julia often ___ to music at school?
  • Does___listen
  • Do___listen
___ you ___ your room every day?
  • Does___clean
  • Do___clean


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