Choose Present Simple. Mixed Ex.2

___ he clean his room every day?
  • Does
  • Do
I ___ tickets for the basketball match every year.
  • buy
  • buys
My sister ___ a mistake every time.
  • doesn't make
  • doesn't makes
Sue ___ an email to her pen friend.
  • sends
  • send
I ___ to music every day.
  • listen
  • listens
Students ___ a rest after school.
  • doesn't have
  • don't have
Kate often ___ mistakes in her texts.
  • makes
  • make
My mother ___ phone calls at work.
  • doesn't makes
  • doesn't make
Does she ___ her friend every day?
  • text
  • texts
I always ___ a text message to my sister in the evening.
  • send
  • sends
He ___ a text message to his mum.
  • doesn't send
  • don't send
___ they email their boss ?
  • Do
  • Does
Julia ___ her friend every day.
  • texts
  • text
He ___ to music after school.
  • listen
  • listens
He ___ a video call at Christmas.
  • make
  • makes
Students sometimes ___ a mistake when they write.
  • makes
  • make
He ___ an email every Friday.
  • write
  • writes
She ___ part in a competition every year.
  • takes
  • take
Richard ___ tickets for the match every year.
  • buys
  • buy
Jane ___ a phone call after the lessons.
  • make
  • makes


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