Write. Have got/has got Ex. 4 (-)

They (not/have got) rings in this shop.
My friend (not/have got) a red bracelet.
Kim and Lucy (not/have got) black bags.
Jill (not/have got) a pink umbrella.
Eva (not/have got) a lot of necklaces.
Alice (not/have got) a necklace .
My husband (not/have got) a ring.
I (not/have got) two handbags.
Grace (not/have got) a silver watch.
Alex (not/have got) a metal bracelet.
May (not/have got) an expensive crown.
Mark (not/have got) a watch in his pockets.
I (not/have got) a handbag.
I (not/have got) two helmets.
We (not/have got) expensive sunglasses.
Matt (not/have got) your sunglasses on his shelf.
We (not/have got) a new umbrella.
Hugo (not/have got) a safe helmet.
Dan (not/have got) a bag.
They (not/have got) crowns.


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