Write . Present Simple. Ex. 2?

14. Daisy (go) outside in the afternoons?
6. Paul (have) a break at work?
13. you and your friends (wear) a uniform at school every day?
1. Zoe (have) art on Wednesdays?
5. your cats (play) inside in the hot season?
18. your mom (cook) dinner every day?
4. she (have) a meeting every five days?
19. Jack (play) inside in the evenings?
16. you (wash) your pets every month?
20. Sally (have) a meeting with her friends every Friday night?
15. Vicky (talk) about her hobbies with her friends?
8. you and your sister (help) your mum to cook meals?
11. Clare (go) home at 7 o'clock?
9. he (go) to bed at 12 o'clock?
3. Jane and Jim (start) school every autumn?
2. you (live) in a flat or in a house?
10. you (cook) dinner with your parents?
17. you (go) outside with your friends at the weekend?
12. they (have) a bath in the mornings or in the evenings?
7. Julia (fix) her bike every week?


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