Write the correct answer. Past Simple. Ex. 2?

these sheep (cook) dinner in your kitchen?
she (bake) a birthday cake yesterday?
this sheep (play) football last week?
he (want) to drink tea twenty minutes ago?
you (use) a computer eight days ago?
she (cook) dinner last evening?
these sheep (visit) the museum last week?
I (like) to eat lunch last week?
they (laugh) with you yesterday?
Alice (bake) a pineapple pie yesterday?
he (laugh) with your friends yesterday?
these sheep (live) in London eight years ago?
this sheep (listen) to music four days ago?
these sheep (like) to eat lunch yesterday?
you (watch) TV last week?
they (use) a computer fifteen minutes ago?
they (clean) their rooms yesterday?
he (play) football three days ago?
she (listen) to music last year?
this sheep (live) in London last year?


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