Write the correct answer. Present Simple or Past Simple. Ex. 1?

they usually (cook) dinner at night?
Alice (laugh) a lot every twenty minutes?
you (cook) dinner yesterday?
Nick and I (use) a computer last week?
she (like) to eat lunch two days ago?
you sometimes (clean) your room?
they (laugh) a lot last Moday?
Michael (play) football yesterday?
you rarely (watch) TV?
your friend Tom often (play) football?
you usually (like) to eat lunch?
he (bake) an apple pie yesterday?
your brother and sister (watch) TV yesterday?
you (listen) to music every evening?
your grandparents (live) in London seven years ago?
she (live) in London every summer?
they usually (bake) a birthday cake?
Alex (visit) me yesterday?
Ben (want) to drink tea twenty minutes ago?
I (use) a computer every evening?


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