Write the correct answer. Present Simple or Past Simple. Ex. 2?

we (laugh) a lot yesterday?
Nick (like) to eat lunch every day?
you (live) in London every winter?
they (play) football every day?
Anna and he (want) to drink tea thirty minutes ago?
he (cook) dinner last night?
our mothers often (cook) dinner together?
they (use) a computer at school every lesson?
your grandparents (live) in London in 1976?
your mother (bake) a pie every evening?
Sarah (bake) a cherry pie yesterday?
he (visit) you yesterday?
your parents (laugh) a lot in the park every summer?
he (play) football on Mondays?
your friend Thomas and you (clean) your house every week?
this boy (like) to eat lunch yesterday?
she usually (watch) TV at night?
Oliver (use) a computer last Monday?
my friends (watch) TV last night?
Emma sometimes (listen) to music in the car?


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