Write the correct answer. Too/also Exercise 2

Frank likes this square. Kate likes this square .
She buys the cat food in this pet shop. I but the cat food there.
This florist's is big. That florist's is big .
We can see the toy shop. We can see the bank.
We go to the stadium in the morning. They go to the stadium in the morning.
I like this bakery. My father likes this bakery .
This pharmacy is cheap. That pharmacy is cheap .
This church is near my house. That church is near my house .
This museum is rather boring. That museum is boring .
This fire station is old. That fire station is old .
They usually go to this pharmacy. We usually go to this pharmacy .
This square is lovely. That square is lovely.
We can see a toy shop. We can see the museum.
They go to the fire station once a month. We go there once a month.
Our factory is popular. Your factory is popular.
This newsagent's is popular. That newsagent's is popular .
This clothes shop is modern. That clothes shop is modern.
They visit the art galleries every month. We visit the art galleries every month.
This hotel is expensive. That hotel is expensive .
This bakery is small. That bakery is small .


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