Strange rules around the world. Guessing game

What road safety rule is there in this country?Use:can/must.
In Russia you mustn't drive a dirty car.
What road safety rule is there in this country?Use:can/must.
In Cyprus you mustn't eat or drink when you drive a car.
What road safety rule is there in this country?Use:can/must.
In Germany you mustn't stop on the highway for any reason.
What road safety rule is there in this country?Use:can/must.
In the UK you mustn't splash people with water when it's rainy.
What road safety rule is there in this country?Use:can/must.
In Alaska,the USA you mustn't place a pet on top of a car.
What road safety rule is there in this country?Use:can/must.
In South Dakota,the USA you can drive a car when you are 14.


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